Saturday, February 28, 2009

Love: To Be Continued...

Let love continue. Love needs to keep on and on and on. Hebrews 13:1 (NKJV) "Let brotherly love continue." The same verse in (NIV) - "Keep on loving each other as brothers." The (AMP) Bible elaborates: "Let love for your fellow believers continue and be a fixed practice with you [never let it fail.]" It is important that love not give up and quit. The word 'continue' in Greek is the word meno (the same word used in 1 Corinthians 13:13 - remain, abide) that means: to stay, abide, continue, dwell, endure, be present, remain, stand. Love lasts forever. Let love continue.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Beloved. Love is an action that when given and received brings identity and affirmation. "BE LOVED" 1 John 4:7 (NKJV) says: "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God." Jesus, at His baptism was affirmed by the word of the Father- Mark 1:11 - Then a voice came from heaven, “You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” The word 'beloved' is a term of endearment that means: to be greatly loved, dear to the heart, cherished, precious, adored, esteemed, and highly valued. Love comes in word and deed to establish and secure you. Let yourself be loved. Receive it. Be assured. Beloved.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Love Drives Out Fear

Love drives out fear. 1 John 4:18 (NIV) - "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." The MSG puts it this way - "There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love." Love drives out, casts out, banishes fear. Fear and mature love do not co-exist anymore than light and darkness or good and evil. The fears and insecurities that are in us will leave as love is formed and developed in us. No longer dreading punishment or death, nor driven by guilt and shame - we come to rely on the perfect love the Father has for us. We are assured and rest in that love. Love drives out fear.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Love Must Be Sincere

Love must be sincere. Romans 12:9 makes this statement about love. Let's take a look at this verse in some other versions. NKJV - "Let love be without hypocrisy." NLT - "Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them." MSG - "Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it." Love should be 'the real thing.' No masks, no putting on an act. Sincere means to be free of deceit or falseness; genuine, pure, unadulterated, unfeigned. Not phony or simulated. Love that is sincere builds trust and authentic relationship. Keep it real. Love must be sincere.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Love One Another

Love one another. We have commented on Jesus' words concerning loving God, loving our neighbors, and loving our enemies. I want to mention what He says about love among those who belong to the household or community of faith. Jesus said this to his followers in John 13:34,35 - "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." The hallmark of a believer is shown in the way he loves fellow believers. Romans 12:10 says that we should - "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love." We receive love and give love. We are to be channels and conduits of God's love. This love is manifested in our words and actions. In our care and concern for one another. Do good to all, but especially to those who are members of God's family. This is our greatest witness to those who do not yet believe. Love one another.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Love Your Enemies

Love your enemies. What? Love those who are against you, provoke you and persecute you? That makes no sense. Yet, because God's love is unconditional, this is possible. This is what Jesus said in Matthew 5:43-45 (NIV) - "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." Through love, we can overcome evil with good. Your enemies expect you to treat them with contempt, so when you respond with love, they don't know what to do or say. We represent our Heavenly Father best when we love in difficult circumstances just as Jesus offered forgiveness from the cross to those responsible for His death. Be like Jesus. Love your enemies.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Love Your Neighbor

Love your neighbor. The greatest commandment is to love God but there is a continuation to this thought. In answer to the question: "Which commandment is most important?"; Jesus said that to love God is first and then proceeded to further add in Mark 12:31 (NIV) "The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." The word 'neighbor' comes from the word 'near'. Your neighbor is not only the person that lives next door to you, but, anyone who is in close proximity to you. This could include friends, fellow countrymen, co-workers, associates, and acquaintances. Anyone you come in contact with or that would be in your circle of contact. To all of these, whether man, woman, boy, or girl we are to demonstrate pure love. In the story that Jesus told about the Good Samaritan, (Luke 10:25-37) he pointed out that the neighbor was the one who had mercy and cared for the person in need, who had been beaten, robbed, and left for dead. In love, he reached out and expressed love and care to this stranger simply because their paths crossed and there was a need to be met. We are to do the same in showing love. Love your neighbor.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Love God

Love God. God is the initiator. The Bible says we love Him because He first loved us. We have received His love and therefore we in turn respond by loving Him. Mark 12:30 (NIV) states that the greatest commandment is this: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." Above all, we are to be lovers of God with all that is within us. Serving and obeying Him all starts with loving Him. First and foremost, He is to be the love of our lives. He demonstrated His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. His love for us is not based on our performance or worthiness. He does not love because, but although. Having received that love, we should reciprocate with all of our love for Him. Love God.

Friday, February 20, 2009

God Is Love

God is love. This is a simple but profound declaration. It does not say that God has love, but rather that God is love. His very essence, His DNA, is love. And that perfect love is directed to each and every one of us. We are the objects of His love. 1 John 4:16 (NLT) - "We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them." God is the source of all love. You and I can receive that love, rely on that love, live in that love. God's love is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. His love fills us and then flows through us. God expresses His love in this world through us. Love lives in us and we live in love. God is love.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Love Never Fails...

Love never fails. What a great statement to make about love in concluding this description of Love's characteristics in 1 Corinthians 13. Some may say not to use the words always and never because you can't be sure about anything, but the fact is that- "Love NEVER Fails." Love lasts forever. Love will never cease to be. It never fades out, never becomes obsolete, never comes to an end. Love will never lose it's efficiency and effectiveness. You can count on it. Love will come through. It won't ever let you down. Love remains constant in an ever-changing world of variables. Everyone may let you down but love will be there. God never fails and God is love. Love never fails.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Love Always Perseveres...

Love always perseveres. Love doesn't give up easily. In fact, love doesn't give up at all. It has great endurance. It stays the course, keeps plugging away, no matter the obstacles or difficulties that may arise. It won't quit, won't throw in the towel. Love is like the energizer bunny - it keeps going, and going, and going. The MSG says that: "Love never looks back, but keeps going to the end." Love finishes what it starts. The NLT reads: "Love endures through every circumstance." Love will fight the good fight, keep the faith, and finish the race. You can count on love being there at the finish line. Love always perseveres.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Love Always Hopes...

Love always hopes. We all need hope in our lives. Hopelessness is one of the saddest of human conditions. Sometimes one's circumstances can cause one to lose hope. Love will keep hope alive. The MSG says that: "Love always looks for the best." When we despair, we stop looking for the best and instead focus on the worst. The AMP Bible states the following: "Its (Love's) hopes are fadeless under all circumstances." Through love, we will never give up hope. Romans 5:4 - "Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Keep the faith. Keep the hope. Keep the love. Love always hopes.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Love Always Trusts...

Love always trusts. Faith or trust is an important characteristic of love. Trust is the currency of love. If you have No trust - you have No love. Trust is more than intellectual assent, it is much more than an emotion or feeling. It is total commitment and reliance. The NLT says: "Love never loses faith." The NKJV reads: "Love believes all things." The element of trust must be nurtured in order for love to remain. Doubts lead to insecurity and erode relationship. But love believes. Love always trusts.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Love Always Protects...

Love always protects. Love will always cover you. Let's check out this phrase in a few different versions. NKJV: "Love bears all things." CEV: "Love is always supportive." NLT: "Love never gives up." AMP: "Love bears up under anything and everything that comes." The original Greek word for bears, protects, in this verse is stego which means: to roof over, to cover with silence, forbear. Love will be there when you need it, it won't bail on you, won't leave you in time of trouble. Love is not only for fair weather times, but also for times of raging storms. Love will cover you. Love always protects.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Love Rejoices With The Truth...

Love rejoices with the truth. Hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Valentine's Day with your loved ones, friends and family. I almost didn't get this posted in time, but I am so thankful for my loving wife Becky (of almost 30 years) and my dear children (Daniel, Maria, and Leslie) and especially my 9 month old grandson, Joshua. I love you all sooooo much! On to today's thought - The MSG says that: "Love takes pleasure in the flowering of truth." The NLT puts it this way: "Love rejoices whenever the truth wins out." What makes you rejoice? We who are filled with God's love should be flooded with joy when truth truimphs. We should be delighted when evil is defeated by good and truth prevails. Love rejoices with the truth.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Love Does Not Delight In Evil...

Love does not delight in evil. Have you noticed that we seem to like to hear bad news. Pick up the daily newspaper or watch the evening newscast and it seems like the majority of the stories reported are negative and have to do with evil and injustice. The MSG states that: "Love does not revel when others grovel." The AMP Bible says this about love: "It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness." Psalm 1 says that we are blessed when we don't walk in ungodly counsel, don't stand in the way of sinners, don't sit with the scorners, but rather, delight and meditate in God's righteous law. Galatians 6 tells us that we should bear one another's burdens and in this way fulfill the law of Christ. The Law of Christ is the Law of Love. Love doesn't get happy when other's are burdened and hurting. Love does not delight in evil.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Love Keeps No Record Of Wrongs...

Love keeps no record of wrongs. One thing that is true of relationships - you will get hurt. You can be hurt by words, actions or lack of actions; you will sometimes be disappointed or let down. Love filled relationships keep no scorecard. Loveless relationships keep detailed notes of wrongs that have been done. These accounts can go back many years. "Remember when you...." "I'll never forget the time you..." "Don't think I've let go of what you did to me..." Love knows that these accounts of wrong can do much damage to relationships and divide, weaken, and even kill them. That's why forgiveness is so important to maintaining healthy relationships. David said that we are blessed because God does not keep an account of our sins. He forgives and he forgets! God keeps no record of wrongs. Love keeps no record of wrongs.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Love Is Not Easily Angered...

Love is not easily angered. Ever notice how quickly we get angry when provoked? Maybe not you, but I sure do. If someone pushes the wrong button, it's easy to react quickly in anger. Love is not that way. The KJV says that: "Love is not easily provoked." The MSG simply states: "Love does not fly off the handle." The NLT puts it this way: "Love is not irritable." So love is not quick tempered, short fused, touchy, or overly sensitive. Those are all human emotions, however, love is greater than all of them. Love is slow to anger. It can tolerate, put up with, and handle so much. Love is not easily angered.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Love Is Not Self-Seeking...

Love is not self-seeking. The NKJV reads: "Love does not seek its own." The NLT says: "It (love) does not demand its own way." The CEV states: "Love isn’t selfish." The MSG puts it this way: "Love isn’t always ‘me first’", The Amplified Bible elaborates by saying: "Love (God's love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking." All of these versions reveal this truth about love - It is not centered in itself! The phrase: "It's not about me..." is most true when talking about love. Love is about the well-being, success and happiness of others. It puts others before self. It yeilds to others, surrenders to others, serves others. Love is not ego-centric. Love is not self-seeking.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Love Is Not Rude...

Love is not rude. The NKJV says: "Love does not behave rudely." Love or a lack of love can clearly be seen in one's behavior, attitude and words. I am sure all of us have witnessed displays of rudeness. Some of the words that describe rudeness are: discourteous, impolite, inconsiderate, unmannerly, uncouth, rough in manners or behavior, harsh, and ungentle. Rude people are disrespectful and have little or no regard for the feelings of others. Love on the other hand is the opposite - it is courteous, polite, and considerate. It shows good manners and gentle behavior. It demonstrates value and respect for others. It's words are not harsh. Love is not rude.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Love Is Not Proud...

Love is not Proud. The NKJV states that: "Love is not puffed up." The NASB says: "Love is not arrogant." Pride is defined as a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing or conduct. It is haughtiness; conceit; vanity. Pride is all about the "I" or ego. "I" is at the center of 'pride' and also at the center of 'sin'. Pride is about 'what I want' and 'when I want it' no matter who is inconvenienced nor who is hurt by it. Love is not that way. Love cares about others first. Love is not self-centered. Love is not proud.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Love Does Not Boast...

Love does not boast. The NKJV says: "Love does not parade itself." The KJV says: "Love vaunteth not itself." Another version says: "Love does not brag." Boast means to speak of oneself with exaggeration and excessive pride; to be self-admiring. Brag implies exaggerated claims and often an air of insolent superiority. To vaunt one's self is to say or tell things which are intended to give others a high opinion of one's self or of things belonging to one's self; as, to boast of one's exploits, courage, descent, and wealth. Because love is not self-promoting; it has no need to boast. Love lavishes praise on others and does not focus on self. Scripture says that because we are saved by grace, no man can boast. With God's complete, undeserved, unconditional love; boasting is excluded. Let another's lips praise you and not your own. Love does not boast.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Love Does Not Envy...

Love does not envy. Envy, the green-eyed monster. Envy and jealousy are both similar. Envy means to feel resentful or painful desire for another's advantages, successes, or possessions. Envy is covetousness and leads to discontent and insecurity. Envy looks and focuses on the other person and desires what that person is or what he or she has. Envy eats away at you, consumes you, and is very destructive. Love does not envy because it is not about oneself, but about the wellbeing of others. Rather than being insecure, love desires the blessings and successes of others. Pure love has eyes that see what another has acheived or possesses and rejoices for that person. Let us allow God's love to fill us so much that we do not view ourselves as deprived or lacking, but instead are delighted in the blessings of others. Our lives do not consist in the things we possess but in the fact that we are loved completely and unconditionally. Love does not envy.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Love is Kind...

Love is kind. I once heard someone say that you could test how well you demonstrate God's love by substituting your own name for the word love in the description of the characteristics of love in 1 Corinthians 13. For example, "Mark is patient", "Mark is kind", etc. Wow, That's tough. We would like to believe that we are always patient and kind but it seems that many times we all fall short. Don't let that discourage you. Some other words the dictionary uses to describe kind are: tender, considerate, helpful, benevolent, helpful, friendly, generous, warm-hearted, compassionate, and understanding. Love is kind because God is kind. His kindness toward us is so great. It is that kindness that gives us the confidence to approach Him even when we have failed. It's His kindness that leads us to repentance. Through the power of God's love, we too, should exhibit kindness. Kindness shown through our attitude, our words, and our behavior. Be kind to those you meet everyday. Our world is starving for acts and words of kindness. Be kind today because love is kind.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Love is Patient...

One of the best ways to begin to understand love is by considering it's attributes or characteristics. Paul begins the list of some of these by saying that love is patient. The New King James Version uses the words love suffers long. The dictionary defines patient as: Bearing provocation, annoyance, misfortune, delay, hardship, pain, etc., with fortitude and calm and without complaint, anger, or the like; Tolerant, understanding. What a great expression of love. We can often be impatient, intolerant, easily annoyed and lose our cool. Love is patient. God is love and God is patient. Scripture says He is slow to anger and plenteous in mercy. He puts up with so much from us. Through His love that has been poured into our hearts, we too; can learn to be patient. Next time you find yourself with a short fuse, wanting to give up, quit, or even complain in annoyance and anger; remember, - Love is Patient.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What is Love?

Defining 'love' can be difficult. Love is perhaps one of the most misused words in our vocabulary. We use the word love to describe things like foods, movies, music, pets as well as people we care about. The dictionary defines love as: 1) A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities. 2) A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance. 3) Sexual passion or intercourse. As you can see, it really depends on how or in what context it (the word love) is used. The original Greek word used for love in 1 Corinthians 13 (The Love Chapter) is agape. This word means dear affection or in other word selfless, unconditional, sacrificial, divine love. We can only really begin to understand what love is by the way it is shown in the following verses which we will be looking at in the few days. Love is action, defined by what it does, (and sometimes by what it does not), by how it is expressed or shown. God is Love and His Love has been poured into our hearts as His Children and we are to learn it's full dimensions and grow into a full demonstration of that dear love. Keep your heart open as we discover much more about true love.

Monday, February 2, 2009

If I Have Not Love...

1 Corinthians 13:1-3 - "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing." Love makes all the difference. It doesn't matter how eloquent your speech is, without love, it's just noise. Your knowledge, intelligence, and gifts mean nothing without love. Spirituality minus love is nothing. Giving of goods or even of self outside of the context of love amounts to nothing. Being holy or religious is meaningless without love. We must have love. Love is essential. Love is what gives our words and actions value. Love is that important. We will explore the Biblical meaning of love in the next few days. Be Loved and Love.